The Best Friends I Have Were Brought To Me By My Dogs

by Christine Ryan Pulver
This book is a collection of true rescues Christine Ryan Pulver has performed over the years. She tells us how her involvement with Newfoundland dogs began. She carries you through an adventure with roller coaster emotions, combining laughter and heartbreak with education into stories that will capture a piece of your heart.
Anyone who has come into contact with animals, whether as animal lovers, owners, or rescue workers, will all relate to these tales from the first few pages. These are stories that will give you a glimpse into Christine’s world and how she loves her life with these gentle giants. These pages unravel some of the most heartwarming and endearing stories — stories bound to hit you in the heart. You will enjoy reading these stories as much as Christine Ryan Pulver enjoyed writing them.
Christine Ryan Pulver has traveled an amazing adventure in the first phase of her life, as she has tested and tried more paths than most people travel in an entire life. She has been a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none. All of these adventures, however, have led her to the peace she has found caring for and living with her rescue dogs, who have provided her with the most amazing stories, many of which are written in this volume.
Rescue is Pulver’s calling and her answer. The unity of her special dogs and their wonderful families give them a special place in life. The saga continues.
(2005, paperback, 112 pages)
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Icy Hollow Kennel
10 Old Saddle Road
Ridge, New York 11961